Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Eternally Bored

X and Y meet at a sidewalk. They talk.

X: I can well anticipate things a split second before they happen.
Y: So, you do know it's going to rain right now?
X: Er, no. But, I......
Y: Oh, leave it! Can you at all guess that that crow(pointing at a crow) is going to drop it on you?

A crow leaves it's token upon X.

X: Oh, listen to me. I had a feeling........
Y: Enough! I've had enough. Goodbye.

Y leaves,

X(still talking to Y): ....But, I had a feeling that you were here to contradict me.

It rains.

X: I'm so bored.

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Scene

A room where every illogical statement made was technologically MUTED.
A man was toiling hard for quite a while to make his speech SOUND but absolutely without any avail. He was being constantly laughed at for not having any VOICE(of reason). Disgusted, agitated, humiliated he would devise one last SPEECH for his fellow room-mates . He said:

"Illogically speaking just for the sake of satisfaction, you guys SUCK."

And that SOUNDED.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Man 1: If I were in the company of X, you'd know how X I am. You guys are so Z.

Z-men- We are X-men, if you want.

And that is how diversity died. :(

Friday, February 10, 2012

Just discovered in Utopia: A transformer converting speech to images produced hollow "tin-cans" as output for all inspiring quotes as input. :D