Monday, May 2, 2011

Zero Adulteration

You can't just run naked about this earth. If you can,then I believe,you're the sexiest person on this planet(don't mind if I see a cunt in place of a dick or vice versa,then). For there are times when you have to use a fork when you actually want to gobble the food up with your hands. And,why a fork,at all? Does the fork take it to a heavenly place in your stomach? Oh,no. It's because you're in a place where you gotta behave like robots. Robots with codes. Codes,if not followed,would cause nothing. A few days time and sheer self- humiliation would end up designing another robot with no distinction(or distance) between it's waist and butt and and the copyright of each pair of their feet belonging to one man. Chuck Taylor. Yet, these robots are flexible enough. They socialise, they do music, they read magazines, they watch tv. All of them having their individual codes. Codes,if not followed,would not keep them alive. Talk about getting naked and cleaning themselves up,they'd never. Because it's so cold(or cool?) out there. I'm one such robot. And it feels nice enough save for a few moments of inner conflicts which gives rise to posts like these. Anyway,my robot is asleep now. And,I'm wide awake. I wish I could decode my encoded mates. Wish I was a robot now.

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